Co20TitleSequenceFinal_Prores (03157).png

CoMotion 2020

CoMotion 2020

Title sequence and animated title cards for CoMotion, a student-led motion graphics conference at the Savannah College of Art and Design.

The title sequence takes viewers through the story of an idea developing from early concept to finished piece.

As Animation Lead, I mainly helped with team organization and editing of the main title sequence while also animating a few shots of my own.


(Big ups to these folks for making this the chillest, smoothest operation I’ve ever been a part of)

Animators: Freya Yeh, José Peña, Kagan Marks, Molly Hoskins, Symphony Allison, Susie Scheer, Tyler Rispoli, Yuying He

Designers: Akshay Tiwari, Ghia Villasin, Kexin Yang, Kim Lin, Hui Yu Yang, Yuying He

​Sound Design: Harley McCumber, Dylan Hearn

Creative Director: José Peña
Art Director: Kim Lin
Producer: Marly Koven
Lead Designer: Yuying He
Lead Animator & Editor: Kagan Marks
Lead Graphic Designer: Anna Yang

Title Cards

A few cards designed and animated to be used throughout the event for things like the student showcase, panels, and keynote speech.

Each card was designed and animated with the goal of giving the viewer a sort of “mechanical” satisfaction.