Means TV
I’ve had the pleasure of working with Means TV as a contract motion and graphic designer since 2021. Here are a few things I’ve done with them.
Featured Collections Thumbnails
In May 2023, Means started to compile various films, episodes, and shorts into “featured collections” based on themes like Mothers Day, War, and Revolution. The team wanted these thumbs to stand out and function similarly to Criterion Collections’ thumbnails, and we went through multiple iterations with a few of them to find the right ones.
Included are both used and unused images.

Tux and Fanny Takeover
To promote the Tux and Fanny game and movie premiering on Means in September 2022, I worked with Means to create several spoof images to make it look like the characters Tux and Fanny were popping everywhere, from billboards and magazines to YouTube and Oprah’s Book Club.
I handled the miscellaneous flavor copy, compositing and layout; all Tux and Fanny images provided by creator Albert Birney.

Means TV Bumpers
In 2020, I was asked to create an assortment of logo bumpers for different intended content categories: Means Creators, Documentaries, and Originals. The fourth glitch bumper was just an experiment. These ended up on the cutting room floor in favor of a single, uniform bumper, but they were still fun to make!
Creative Direction and animation for Creators, Originals, and Glitch by me. Animation for Documentaries by Greg Markman.
Black Friday 2021 - Fire $ale
Social media promotion for Means’ Black Friday 2021 sale.
Creative Direction by Kikko Paradela, animation and compositing by me.